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Introduction to the New Developments in AI

It’s been an eventful week in the world of AI, with groundbreaking developments making waves. From the expansion of OpenAI Chat GPT to the thought-provoking discussions surrounding AI’s impact on various aspects of society, these advancements have captured our attention. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting updates!

OpenAI Chat GPT: Now Available on iOS

The demand for an iOS version of OpenAI Chat GPT has been met with enthusiasm, as users can now access the powerful tool directly from their iPhones. OpenAI has introduced an app on the App Store, offering a seamless and native experience. This sleek interface allows users to sync their chats effortlessly, enabling them to make the most of OpenAI Chat GPT while on the go.

New plug-ins and web browsing abilities

magine an AI plugin that empowers your PC to perform various tasks seamlessly. Well, someone has made it a reality! The new OpenAI Chat GPT plugin allows AI to take control of your PC, enabling actions such as accessing files, controlling input devices, opening applications, and more. While this advancement opens up exciting possibilities, it also raises concerns about unauthorised access. As the technology evolves, it becomes crucial to establish proper safeguards to ensure user privacy and security.

Availability and Interface

At the moment, the OpenAI Chat GPT app is available exclusively in the U.S., offering a sleek, native interface that makes syncing your chats a breeze. This means you can make the most of using Chat GPT even when you’re on the go.

Sam Altman’s Congressional Appearance: Addressing Concerns and Benefits of AI

Future of AI in Society

Sam Altman, a prominent figure in the AI community, recently appeared in Congress to shed light on the impact of AI on society, employment, and culture. Recognising the anxieties surrounding this rapidly advancing technology, Altman presented a balanced view, emphasising that AI is a tool rather than a sentient being. He stressed the importance of effective regulation and the need for appropriate guidelines to maximise the benefits of AI while minimising potential drawbacks. Altman also highlighted the challenge faced by legislators in keeping pace with AI’s swift progress.

AI in the Entertainment Industry

Tom Hanks and AI: Actors Beyond the Grave

AI’s ability to recreate the likeness of actors has taken another fascinating turn. Tom Hanks himself has commented on the possibility of his presence being felt on the big screen long after his lifetime. The utilisation of AI and deep fake technology allows for the recreation of actors’ appearances and movements, making it easier to bring them back to life digitally. While this presents exciting opportunities for cinema, it also raises questions about the ethics and implications of such technology.

Restriction on AI Technology Sharing

Google and OpenAI: A Reserved Approach to Sharing AI Technology

n recent times, major players in the AI domain, including Google and OpenAI, have become more cautious when it comes to sharing the intricacies of their platforms. Google’s Palm 2, the successor to Palm, was announced last week with minimal details. Their scholarly report stated that further specifics regarding model size and architecture would not be publicly disclosed. This trend of limited transparency hints at the complexity and competitive nature of AI development.

Dark Bird: AI Trained on the Dark Web

A version of Chat GPT, known as Dark Bird, has emerged from the depths of the dark web. Trained on the vast expanse of fringe and hidden corners of the internet, this language model offers a unique perspective. While exploring the dark web poses inherent risks, this development sheds light on the potential of AI to navigate unconventional online spaces. As researchers delve into previously uncharted territories, the boundaries of AI’s capabilities continue to expand.

AI Developments in China

Chinese AI Versions: A Growing Trend

The Chinese AI landscape has witnessed a surge in the development of localised AI technologies. Platforms such as 1010 have released Chinese versions of AI tools, catering to the specific needs and preferences of the Chinese market. This growing trend highlights the diversity of AI advancements and the global interest in leveraging its potential across various cultures and languages.

Computer Consciousness: Microsoft’s Controversial Paper

Microsoft has stirred debate with a controversial paper asserting that AI is demonstrating an understanding of human cognition. While some researchers agree with this notion, others remain skeptical. Critics argue that attributing consciousness to AI is premature and that scientists making such claims are disregarding the complexities of human consciousness. As the field of AI progresses, the discourse surrounding AI’s potential consciousness is likely to intensify.

Conclusion and Next Steps

The past week has undoubtedly been a remarkable one for AI enthusiasts. From the expansion of OpenAI Chat GPT to thought-provoking discussions on the impact of AI on society, we’ve witnessed a range of significant developments. As AI continues to push boundaries and reshape our world, it’s crucial to maintain a balance between embracing its potential and addressing the ethical considerations that arise along the way.